Transactifying Apache’s Cache Module
Haggai Eran, Ohad Lutzky, Zvika Guz, Idit Keidar
[paper]SYSTOR '09, Proceedings of SYSTOR 2009: The Israeli Experimental Systems Conference, 2009.
Haggai Eran, Ohad Lutzky, Zvika Guz, Idit Keidar
[paper]SYSTOR '09, Proceedings of SYSTOR 2009: The Israeli Experimental Systems Conference, 2009.
Bella Dubrov, Haggai Eran, Ari Freund, Edward F. Mark, Shyam Ramji, Timothy A. Schell
[paper]CP '09, Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, 2009.
Sigal Asaf, Haggai Eran, Yossi Richter, Daniel P. Connors, Donna L. Gresh, Julio Ortega, Michael J. Mcinnis
[paper]CP '10, Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, 2010.
Haggai Eran, Erez Petrank
[paper]MSPC '13, Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Memory Systems Performance and Correctness, 2013.
Yibo Zhu, Haggai Eran, Daniel Firestone, Chuanxiong Guo, Marina Lipshteyn, Yehonatan Liron, Jitendra Padhye, Shachar Raindel, Mohamad Haj Yahia, Ming Zhang
[paper]SIGCOMM '15, Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Special Interest Group on Data Communication, 2015.
Ilya Lesokhin, Haggai Eran, Or Gerlitz
[paper] [talk]netdev 1.1, Proceedings of NetDev 1.1: The Technical Conference on Linux Networking, 2016.
Boris Pismenny, Ilya Lesokhin, Liran Liss, Haggai Eran
[paper]netdev 1.2, Proceedings of NetDev 1.2: The Technical Conference on Linux Networking, 2016.
Ilya Lesokhin, Haggai Eran, Shachar Raindel, Guy Shapiro, Sagi Grimberg, Liran Liss, Muli Ben-Yehuda, Nadav Amit, Dan Tsafrir
[paper]ASPLOS '17, Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, 2017.
Haggai Eran, Lior Zeno, Gabi Malka, Mark Silberstein
[paper]MaRS '17, The 7th Workshop on Multi-core and Rack-scale Systems, 2017.
Haggai Eran, Dotan Levi, Liran Liss, Mark Silberstein
[paper]SFMA '18, The 8th Workshop on Systems for Multi-core and Heterogeneous Architectures, 2018.
Haggai Eran, Lior Zeno, Zsolt István, Mark Silberstein
[paper] [slides]FCCM '19, The 27th IEEE International Symposium On Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines, 2019.
Stanko Novakovic, Yizhou Shan, Aasheesh Kolli, Michael Cui, Yiying Zhang, Haggai Eran, Liran Liss, Michael Wei, Dan Tsafrir, Marcos Aguilera
[paper] [talk]SYSTOR '19, Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Conference on Systems and Storage, 2019. Awarded best paper.
Haggai Eran, Lior Zeno, Maroun Tork, Gabi Malka, Mark Silberstein
[paper] [talk]USENIX ATC 19, 2019 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, 2019.
Igor Smolyar, Alex Markuze, Boris Pismenny, Haggai Eran, Gerd Zellweger, Austin Bolen, Liran Liss, Adam Morrison, Dan Tsafrir
[paper] [talk]ASPLOS '20: ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Languages and Operating Systems, 2020. Awarded best paper.
Boris Pismenny, Haggai Eran, Aviad Yehezkel, Liran Liss, Adam Morrison, Dan Tsafrir
[paper] [talk]ASPLOS '21: ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Languages and Operating Systems, 2021. Awarded distinguished paper; IRTF 2023 Applied Networking Research Prize.
Haggai Eran, Maxim Fudim, Gabi Malka, Gal Shalom, Noam Cohen, Amit Hermony, Dotan Levi, Liran Liss, Mark Siblerstein
[preprint] [paper] [slides] [talk]ASPLOS '22: ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Languages and Operating Systems, 2022. Awarded IEEE MICRO Top Picks 2023 honorable mention.
Vladimir Olteanu, Haggai Eran, Dragos Dumitrescu, Adrian Popa, Cristi Baciu, Mark Silberstein, Georgios Nikolaidis, Mark Handley, Costin Raiciu
[preprint] [paper] [talk]NSDI '22: 19th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, 2022.
Guillaume Ambal, Brijesh Dongol, Haggai Eran, Vasileios Klimis, Ori Lahav, Azalea Raad
[paper] [talk]OOPSLA 2024, Proc. ACM Program. Lang. 8, OOPSLA2, 2024.